Musk Reacts On ChatGPT Passing US Medical Licensing Exam

Musk Reacts On ChatGPT Passing US Medical Licensing Exam

chatGpt has passed the most challenging exam and secured more than 50% marks, According to the record. Since artificial intelligence chatbot chatGPT relevance in November. It has been a hot topic on the internet for every chatty mastery. People have been asking different questions to chatGPT in a fair manner to test the chatbot`s capabilities and power. the chatGPT has recently passed more prominent exams. It has been instructed to do programming and algorithm.

 The tool has passed the most critical exams including our medical licensing exam, and a Wharton business school exam for the final test of the MBA program’s operations. It has also given Minnesota law school exams for constitutional law.

Reacting to chatGPT passing US medical licensing exam Twitter CEO Elon Musk criticized the artificial intelligence chatbot. In the tweet, Mr. Elon Mus responded to a tweet that informed about chatbot capabilities and also said “I am sure everything will be fine”.

chatGPT is so brilliant and efficient that if anyone asks about anything it gives sharp speed and descriptive answers in just a few seconds. It is a demonstration of openAL a company in which Elon Musk and Microsoft have invested a big amount.

 In the past few weeks, chatGPT has taken its place and demonstrated what it is capable of. The tool has written complex essay draft marketing pitches and produced poems and jokes. And even drafted a speech for a congressman in the united states. On the other hand, There is also terror that the AL cloud take over some human jobs.

Currently the most latest achievement, the AL tool is passing the US Medical licensing exam. According to ABC news in a pre-print study, researchers looked at the chatGPT capabilities of upper-limit bonds.

According to them, chatGPT achieved over 50% in one of the most difficult standardized tests around the US medical licensing exam(USMLE). 

To check the program’s capabilities, researchers sit in a mock, abbreviated version of the USMLE, which is required for any doctor to get a license to practice medicine in the united states. The researchers fed questions from previous exams to the AL tool and had the answers. The answers were open-ended written responses to multiple-choice questions, separately scored by two physician adjudicators.

They also made sure that the solutions to those queries weren’t already in the data set accessible by the chatbot when it had been trained 

However, the team noted that chatGPT performed very well at passing the US medical exam without any specialized training or reinforcement. The overall performance was brilliant the tool received more than 50% across all examinations and speak to the USMLE pass threshold of about 60%. The paper concluded that “ therefore, chatGPT is now comfortably within the passing range”.

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